Many of the most popular science fiction movies have had an earlier basis in literature. In some cases, the connection has been close, and the authors have even had a hand in the creation of the film. In others, the films depart from the specifics of the books and modernize them for new audiences. Now […]
Author: Dan Smith
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10 Great Animated Movies That Introduced Anime To The West

Anime has a major place today among popular films and TV series, but much of its popularity in the West has mostly grown in the last few decades. Commercial animation in Japan began in the early 20th century, and began to take on a characteristic anime style by the 1960s with series like Osamu Tezuka’s […]
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The 11 Best Movies about Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has a long history in cinema, literature, and video games. The genre is mostly used in science fiction films set in the distant future, featuring characters who have the technology to travel to virtual worlds. Virtual realities differ by movie, but often resemble a computer hyperspace that the heroes hack into, or a […]