The audience for dark, disturbing horror films is so small that every time an extreme title is released, it automatically attains cult status. Needless to say, we are not talking about mainstream studio fare here: most of these pictures either hail from overseas or were made on budgets so slender that they wouldn’t cover Batman […]
Author: Ethan Wilson
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The 10 Worst Monster Movies Of All Time

Usually considered the decade that ushered in the era of paranoia in mainstream entertainment, the 1950s also brought kitsch to the screen in a series of cheap, campy monster movies. While serious filmgoers pondered the threat of alien invasion presented in such serious-minded fare as The Thing From Another World and War Of The Worlds, […]
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15 Erotic Horror Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen

If the Sharknado franchise tells you anything about horror movies, it’s that gore, sleaze and gratuitous nudity have given way to bad CGI, lame gags and celebrity cameos. Instead of watching a man in a rubber suit carry off a bikinied Playmate Of The Month, today’s audiences are captivated by the sudden appearance of David […]
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The 20 Worst Movies of The 21st Century

The only person in Hollywood that ever set out to make a bad picture, Jerry Warren didn’t care for rehearsals, multiple takes or allowing an actor to develop a character. Told by a colleague to “Do something good for a change” he responded: “Why? People aren’t interested in anything good. They don’t know and they […]
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The 15 Biggest Guilty Pleasure Movies of The 21st Century

If we were forbidden from enjoying schlock, then the likes of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger would never have become megastars. Movies that please critics are all very well, but where would we be without our guilty pleasures? Whether you’re watching Stallone fight Mel Gibson in a building rigged to explode or Arnie deliver dreadful […]
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15 Great Recent Horror Comedies You Might Not Have Seen

Horror comedies are often a turn-off for critics and usually fail at the box office, making you wonder about the tastes of modern audiences. If ever a genre had the potential for send-up, it’s the one that spawned the immortal classics Unfriended, Ouija and Annabelle. Then again, it’s entirely possible that a modern crowd just […]