The 20 Best Thriller Movies of All Time

It’s easy to understand why every generation of cinemagoers shells out for thriller movies that will get their hearts racing. This catchall term encompasses a great variety of subgenres, from sweeping crime epics to suspenseful psychodramas, which makes it hard to pin down what exactly falls under its vast umbrella, and even harder to round […]

All 6 Andrew Dominik Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

For better or worse, Andrew Dominik is on everyone’s lips following his long-anticipated Marilyn Monroe biopic starring Ana de Armas. Based on Joyce Carol Oates’ eponymous, if also widely disputed, 700-page novel, ‘Blonde’ trails the legendary actress’ trajectory from her troubled childhood, rise to stardom, and tragic death. Upon its world premiere at Venice, when […]

10 Great Thriller Movies Favored By Quentin Tarantino

If stealing is indeed the sign of a great artist, then Quentin Tarantino is by far the best of them all. In the past twenty years throughout a tenfold catalog, the former video store has littered his work with a barrage of nods, thinly-veiled homages, and shameless pastiches of everything from ’40s classic film noir, […]

The 20 Best Thriller Movies of The 21st Century

All in all, the past 22 years have been an excellent cinematic vintage that has yielded instantly-canonized masterpieces and a plethora of underrated movies that have slowly gained deeper resonance over time. Having already surveyed the very best the horror genre had to offer, we thought we’d plug the gap by checking with his not-so-distant […]

The 20 Best Horror Movies of All Time

Who doesn’t like a good scare? Audiences have flocked to horror films ever since their very inception. Serial killers, ghosts, vampires, and all sorts of monsters, even those within ourselves, have sent shivers down our spine, raised goosebumps, and quickened our breath on the big screen. Drawing up the greatest horror movies of all time […]