Many of films are usually based from the literary works of other authors. However, even when presented with wonderful source material, more often than not the powers that be will make drastic changes for the sake gaining a bigger audience at the box office. This leaves the purists of the original work to shake their […]
Author: James Leon
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The 25 Best Movies Adapted From Plays

The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, once said that if a filmmaker is ever in a slump as to what will be the next hit movie, they should look for a hit play. If only the Hollywood of 21st felt that way. Studio writers would have to develop compelling characters and storylines that were raw […]
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18 Forgotten American Movies That Need To Be Rediscovered

Where do all the lost films usually go to be discovered? In the heyday of the home cinema (VHS, Beta or Laserdisc), circa mid-1980s, independently owned stores would stock titles that Blockbuster and other chains wouldn’t. Some would wind up on various television channels late at night or eventually go straight go to DVD, before […]