It seems quite easy to recall a couple of cinematic movements which postulated the empowerment of naturalism by dealing with everyday-life themes, placing ordinary people in the center of the narrative plot and minimizing the use of music and stylistic features so to resemble as much as possible the “real life”. We can distinguish as […]
Author: Jan Twarog
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10 Great Films Inspired By The Cinema of Jean-Luc Godard

Described sometimes as a pope of modern cinema, Godard has always been famous for his lifetime struggle to reinvent the language of the cinema so it could establish its unique form merely resembling traditional narrative methods. During the peak of his popularity, mainly in 1960’s at the outburst of Nouvelle Vague movement, the French-born director […]
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10 Great Movies Inspired By The Myth Of Orpheus And Eurydice

The liaison between cinema and ancient Greece is commonly associated with peplum movies, a sub-genre especially popular in the 1950’s and 1960’s, mostly portraying ancient greco-roman history as a time of epic battles, and heroic, unnaturally powerful creatures. Although slightly scornful term, peplum originally refer to Italian movies which neither conveyed critically acclaimed artistic values […]