Many people regard science fiction cinema as a set of space adventure movies full of special effects and made with high budgets. Sheer entertainment, a treat for a Saturday night with a huge box of popcorns and a big recipient of soda with a straw… And yes, the majority of sci-fi films conform to this […]
Author: Joan Sole
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10 Movies To Watch When You Want Something Profound

Cinema, an art of image and sound, can provide reflexive, philosophical experiences in a specific way, that no other art can manage in the same manner. There is a line of filmmakers that have understood and treated cinema as an adult art capable of exploring in depth the most serious questions about life and death. […]
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10 Movie Masterpieces That Will Change Your Notion of Cinema

Like music, like painting, like all the other arts, cinema in its artistic form has been looking for its own essence since its beginning, and hasn’t yet found a definitive, fixed one. We could say that its very essence is to look for that essence, through all the possible combinations of its components (sound, silence, […]