Hop on Fandango near Halloween and you’ll likely find a midnight screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Follow Greg Sestero on social media and you’ll likely see posts about the latest Q&A screening of The Room. Add a quote from The Big Lebowski to your Tinder bio and see how many messages you receive. These […]
Author: Justin Gunterman
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The 10 Best Movies of 2023 So Far

The year is a little more than halfway over, and of course, that means we need to count down the best of the best. As is always the case, many of the biggest festival hits and awards season slam dunks have yet to be released. That doesn’t mean there aren’t worthwhile films to see though. […]
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10 Great Recent Thriller Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen

The thriller genre is hard to define. It’s not quite as black-and-white as a horror movie or a comedy, but at the same time, you know a thriller when you see one. The genre has always been popular because of its ability to keep viewers guessing until the credits roll. While the genre generally brings […]
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10 Great Sci-fi Film Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

The science fiction genre has always been financially successful. When you look at the box office numbers, you begin to realize that some of the biggest contemporary releases fit within the genre. Even if you ignore the superhero genre, you’re still left with movies as gargantuan as Avatar: The Way of Water, Jurassic World: Dominion, […]
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All 9 Pablo Larraín Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

For the past two decades, Pablo Larraín has been crafting unconventional historical dramas. Although these films have always received strong reviews, the Chilean director didn’t achieve international success until the release of 2016’s Jackie. Since then, cinephiles have sought to hunt down his non-English works in an attempt to get the bigger picture. If you […]
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The 10 Most Underrated Movies Of 2022

The words “underrated” and “overrated” have always caused controversy because, frankly, they’re both hard to define in a way that feels concrete. Yes, we all vaguely know the dictionary definition of these terms, but there’s so much contention regarding what makes something overrated or underrated. Is a film underrated if it garnered glowing reviews but […]