The vast majority of the films made by Hollywood aren’t good or bad, they’re just boring! However, at least some of the boring movies made by Hollywood have the good taste to entertain people through their backstory. Here are movies whose production stories are better than the actual film. 1. Treasure Planet In the […]
Author: Matt Trzcinski
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8 Famous Movies Banned Overseas For Ridiculous Reasons

There’s no official or objective criteria for what is or isn’t obscene. Even still, it’s understandable (though not commendable) when films get banned for promoting extremism, offending sexual sensibilities or being extremely violent. Yet, because offense is in the eye of the beholder, every blue moon a film gets banned for reasons that are ironic, […]
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10 Great Movies To Watch If You Like Guillermo del Toro

Horror is a bit of a disreputable genre. Even the best horror films are rarely revered as much as the best dramas, and the rare directors who dedicated themselves to the genre (Like George A. Romero and Wes Craven) are often considered to have had hit and miss filmographies. Thus, it is a profound achievement […]
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10 Great Movies That Flopped Because of Bad Marketing

Editing is perhaps the most important part of filmmaking – it’s what sets the medium apart from theater or photography. Movie trailers are an attempt to edit a film down into a bite-sized pieces which will leave audiences wanting more. In an effort to make a movie look as attractive to as many people as […]
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10 Famous Movies That Made Major Changes To Their Source Material

While there are some purists out there who want their favorite stories to always be translated to the screen completely faithfully, the more discerning cinephiles out there know that film is a different medium which often requires texts to be changed through adaptation. Discerning cineastes also know that filmmakers can drop the adaptational ball. Here […]
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The 10 Most Notorious Movies of All Time

In 2019, outrage culture is expanding each day and material that would have been considered innocuous a mere ten years ago inspires dozens of think pieces on how “problematic” it is. In retrospect, this means that if a film was controversial in the past, there’s a good chance that it was more provocative than anything […]