While the 1980s could be considered a “golden age” for horror films, the following decade found the genre entering a slump; halfway through the decade, with the slasher genre was officially dead, only revived slightly by the meta film Scream, while horror as a whole was relegated to low-budget direct-to-video productions. But even in this […]
Author: Mike Gray
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10 Totally Awesome 1990s Cult Movies You Might Not Have Seen

The 1990s for film meant finding a new edge: instead of repeating the past, or relying on standard tropes and stories, filmmakers felt the need to forge a new path of their own. A decade where independent cinema began to emerge as a driving cultural force–and with a surging economy investors were more open to […]
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10 Totally Awesome 80s Horror Movies You Might Not Have Seen

If the 1980s was a decade about anything, it was one of excess: a supercharged economy afforded artistic enterprises to be produced that normally would have been ignored, if not outright abandoned, were it not for the gigantic amount of money flowing at the time. As such, many avenues of creative expression were funded–as long […]
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10 Totally Awesome 80s Cult Movies You Might Have Missed

While the 1980s could be declared the decade of the blockbuster film in America, with many high-concept movies made with equally high budgets in the hope to attract as wide an audience as possible, it was also a decade where smaller films were starting to be produced at a rapid pace, hoping to both turn […]
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10 Totally Awesome Thrillers From The 2010s (So Far)

The latest decade–the one we are currently in–in cinema has been marked by a new edginess in its narrative tone: now that film has well passed the century mark as a cultural product, and thanks to incredible technical advancements in recent years, more films are being produced on their own terms and on smaller budgets […]
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10 Totally Awesome 2000s Cult Movies You Might Not Have Seen

Cult films–that is, films that weren’t initially popular or successful upon release but over time gain a devoted following–are usually a cinephile’s dream, mostly because there is some esoteric aspect of the movie (be it the unique cinematography, offbeat script, strange premise, or “so bad it’s good” quality) that intrigues the type of person heavily […]