Could one define a genre solely as a “thriller?” Would it be more appropriate to categorise it under “suspense” or “drama” instead? Or is a film referred to as a “thriller” by the emotions it draws from the audience? After all, a movie can be suspenseful without truly evoking an emotional reaction from the viewer, […]
Author: Mike Gray
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10 Weird Movies Directed By Famous Musicians

Musicians are an odd sort: the type of drive, creativity, and ambition that pushes a musician to the heights of success are also often accompanied by large egos, a singular vision, and absolute faith in one’s abilities. As in many creative fields, a combination of these traits are often necessary to survive and attain success; […]
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10 Totally Awesome Sci-Fi Movies from the 2010s (So Far)

20th century sci-fi was about looking forward to the future and wondering at what it may be like; now that the future is here, and we live in a world of cellphones and wireless internet, the expectations of what constitutes “good” sci-fi have risen dramatically. No longer beholden to the old, hoary tropes of alien […]
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10 Totally Awesome 1990s Thrillers You Shouldn’t Miss

The 1990s were a great decade for film: with a booming film industry, all genres seemed to be back on the table to be optioned and made into film, and the tightly constructed, ingenious genre of the thriller found itself gaining prominence once again. As an antidote to the increasingly dominant blockbuster action fare that […]
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10 Totally Awesome 2000s Sci-fi Movies You Shouldn’t Miss

The dawn of the millennium ushered in a bumper crop of sci-fi films: with the overwhelming success of The Matrix, the genre was revived in popular culture with a new sense of purpose: to create reality-bending stories for audiences now primed to receive them. The nascent rise of the internet in the 1990s had since […]
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10 Totally Awesome 1980s Thrillers You Shouldn’t Miss

The thriller genre is one that takes great skill to pull off: suitable stakes have to be raised, a story needs to stay two steps ahead of its audience, and nothing can be predictable to ensure that the audience will be left guessing and feel the rush of tension that comes from not knowing a […]