The sci-fi genre has always been a mixed bag of high-budget spectacles and low-budget camp. Due to the far-fetched premises inherent to the genre, even the most special effects-laden flick runs the risk of coming across as silly, while a strong premise and creative practical effects can carry even the lowest budgeted sci-fi film. None […]
Author: Mike Gray
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10 Actors Who Won Oscars With The Shortest Screen Time

People don’t win Oscars by the amount of time they’re on screen but because of their performance. Movies are a sum of their parts that make up the whole, and sometimes an entire plot hinges on the actions of just a single character, no matter how small their part may be in the overall film. […]
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10 Great Movie Performances That Should Have Won Best Actress Oscar

Performances in film are funny in that they will always live on long after the initial critical assessments fade away and their run in the theater ends. Now, with widespread distribution of the back catalogue of film history, many performances have been reassessed and reevaluated, to both their benefit or detriment. Although the yardstick by […]
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10 Great Movie Performances That Should Have Won Best Actor Oscar

With the Academy Awards, it’s an old adage that it’s an honor just to be nominated. And that’s true: out of the scores of films produced and released this year, only a few receive the honor of an Oscar nomination. But even the winners of these awards can be debatable; more so are the losers, […]
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The 10 Biggest Oscar Surprises of All Time

When it comes to the Academy Awards, one of the reasons so many tune in is to see what upsets may occur. Although there are favorites in every category and some are sure to bring home an Oscar, the surprise of watching the underdog–a “dark horse” nominee–win their category makes for an exciting viewing experience. […]
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10 Great Movies You Won’t Believe Didn’t Receive A Single Oscar Nomination

The film industry in the United States is a massive one: on average, there are 600 films produced here each year alone, and since there are only about five open slots in each category, not every one of them can be nominated for an Academy Award. As the old saying goes (particularly from those that […]