Steven Soderbergh is an incredibly prolific director: with his first feature film, sex, lies, and videotape, becoming a literally game-changing indie hit in 1989, Soderbergh has had a wildly successful career as both an indie and mainstream director, having produced 27 films since then and still directing–despite adamantly insisting that he’s retired. Soderbergh is a […]
Author: Mike Gray
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10 Must-See So Bad They’re Good Movies From The 1990s

The 1990s was a big, gloriously successful decade for much of the Western world. In particular, the US was going through somewhat of a cultural renaissance, and with a strong economy numerous films were made despite their artistic merit, being funded by venture capitalists who were sure they were investing in the next big quirky […]
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10 Great 1980s Action Movies You May Have Missed

The 1980s may have perfected the action movie genre: with censorship having been relaxed throughout the 70s and audiences becoming more accustomed to darker and edgier content in their films, action movies of this decade took a decidedly more violent turn. Although this decade produced some of the most beloved action films of all time–Die […]
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All 16 Gus Van Sant Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

A sort of American Andrei Tarkovsky, Gus Van Sant’s films are characterized by long tracking shots, stretches of unbroken silence, and drifting dream-like cinematography that makes seemingly everyday events something unique and special. Often depicting characters that live on the edge of society–either due to their sexual orientation, purposeful defiance of norms, or from being […]
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10 Must-See So Bad They’re Good Movies From The 1980s

Listen: everyone likes a good movie. When a film stirs your emotions and makes you think, it’s a great experience. But nobody likes a bad movie–one that moves like molasses, features terrible dialogue and loathsome characters, and is filmed like the cinematographer went blind before every scene. But then there are movies that are considered […]
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10 Great Dark Comedies From The 2000s You May Have Missed

For those that remember, the 2000s were a relatively dark and difficult decade: with terrorism on the rise, large wars on multiple fronts occurring across the globe, and a financial crisis that crippled economies across the globe, things were looking grim. And appropriately enough, in this environment this decade produced a number of pretty great […]