We live in interesting times: the second decade of the new millennium has been an unpredictable one, with a number of completely unexpected cultural events happening (the successful revival of nearly every popular franchise from 30 years ago, and some of the most popular shows on television being graphic TV-MA shows among them, and of […]
Author: Mike Gray
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The 10 Worst Movies of 2017 (So Far)

So many terrible movies, so little time. The film industry is large and mostly profitable; even ostensible garbage turns a profit on a long enough timeline. Due to this, there aren’t many notable “box office bombs” anymore–and anyway, that’s not a reliable measure of a film’s worth in general. As you’ll see on this list […]
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10 Totally Awesome 2017 Movies You Shouldn’t Miss

So many movies, so little time–or access. While many films enjoy wide releases during their time in the theaters, a number of them–independent features or else those that have been judged to have a “limited appeal” (whatever that means) are released to a smaller number of theaters or else never make it out of the […]
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The 10 Best Movies of 2017 (So Far)

Every year is an exciting one for the film fan since it brings the promise of a slate of new movies to enjoy, hate, critique and analyze. And while ripping apart a film is often good sport, the joy of watching a new film that surpasses expectations is really what keeps bringing the cinephile back […]
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10 Totally Bizarre 2000s Movies You May Have Missed

Weird films have a magic to them of sorts: it takes a wholly unique vision–and a steadfast confidence in that vision–to bring it to life. Often not commercially promising, the stranger films that are produced are also the ones that have something to say, and whether important, comical, or just disturbing, due to the uncompromising […]
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10 Totally Awesome 2010s Movies You May Have Missed

The New Tens continue the trend of experimentation, genre mixing, and innovations that the film world began to heavily produce in the 2000s, and with the new and unseen quickly becoming de rigeur for emerging filmmakers to test their mettle and stand out among the increasingly crowded field of indie filmmakers, this decade has been […]