Who doesn’t enjoy a good weird movie every now and then? When properly done, a strange film can excite the viewer who has grown accustomed to the standard mainstream fare to re-engage their passion for the medium or else encourage neophytes into delving deeper down the rabbit hole of more bizarre fare. The 90s was […]
Author: Mike Gray
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10 Totally Awesome Movies From The 2000s You May Have Missed

The 2000s created a new freedom for artists as the cost of filmmaking lowered considerably thanks to the lowering costs of digital effects and shooting on digital film. Meanwhile, the film market–having gotten used to the flood of low-budget but high-quality indie fare that became popular in the 90s–was still hungry for original content. As […]
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10 Totally Bizarre 1980s Movies You May Have Missed

How do weird films get produced in the first place? Movies cost millions of dollars to make, and producers and filmmakers must find some commercial viability of the work or else they wouldn’t have gotten past the script stage. Perhaps they think that there will be enough of an audience for their film that they’ll […]
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10 Totally Awesome 1990s Movies You May Have Missed

The 1990s were a heyday decade for independent film: with major studios finding financial success in the theaters with lower-budgeted films that were all but guaranteed to turn them a profit in the secondary market of home video rental and cable television broadcasts, indie films seemed like safer bets for investors to make than big-budget […]
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All 18 Robert Zemeckis Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

Best known for being a visual effects pioneer, Robert Zemeckis has directed some of the most popular films of all time, including the Back to the Future trilogy. But his films aren’t just special effects-driven spectacles: by seamlessly integrating state-of-the-art effects into his narratives, Zemeckis has used his technical abilities to create heightened realities where […]
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10 Totally Awesome 1980s Movies You May Have Missed

There are so many films made throughout the decades, it’s impossible to watch all of them. But this also becomes a challenge and a hunt for the cinephile to unearth obscured treasures in this landslide of material, and by raking the past thoroughly, there is much left to be discovered. For the film fan that […]