Cinema enthusiasts usually hold the critics’ taste in high regard. Sure, everyone prefers to watch a film by themselves and make their own mind up, but we all are in some way influenced by the opinion that critics have of a film. This is especially true in the social media era: titles of reviews or […]
Author: Riccardo Basso
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15 Famous Movies With Terrible CGI Scenes

The rise of digital techniques in cinema may be the most radical change we have seen in the industry during the last three decades. Almost every step of the filmmaking process has been influenced by new technologies. The creative part is developed on computers more than on paper, and the visual one has to go […]
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The 10 Most Insultingly Bad Sequels To Great Movies

We live in the cinematic world of sequels. The number of releases that are prequels, spin-offs or follow-ups to existing movies seems to grow every year, and it has become a main trait of commercial cinema to plan franchises that can last for years and years. The quality of these sequels can vary within a […]
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The 10 Most Overrated Movies of 2018 (So Far)

As the second decade of the 21st century gets closer to its end, a clearer idea of its main characteristics is forming among movie viewers and experts. The last eight years have been the years of Netflix and others streaming platforms. Movies are not something you can see either in theaters or television anymore: they […]
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10 Great Movie Scenes Where The Actor Wasn’t Acting

There are many different approaches one can have when making a film, and one can certainly stick to the script and to whatever gets planned in pre-production. Many directors are known for wanting to plan in advance everything that will end up in the film, down to the last line. But sometimes, a great cinematic […]
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10 Great Movies That Are Longer Than 5 Hours

A film that runs longer than five hours is certainly a rarity. Commercial films with wide releases usually are between 90 and 130 minutes long. Fictional movies longer than that are generally blockbusters with big budgets that need enough time to fit in many actors and spectacular scenes; this applies to both contemporary big movies […]