Movie trilogies are becoming more and more rare. Up until a few years ago, whenever a single movie could be expanded into a franchise the first intent was always to develop a trilogy of films. Sometimes the series was cut short after a second movie, usually when this second entry was not as successful as […]
Author: Riccardo Basso
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All 30 Joaquin Phoenix Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

Joaquin Phoenix has one of the most peculiar filmographies among contemporary actors. He often experiments with unexpected roles, and he usually divides himself between independent, more artistic films and mainstream releases (although these are rarely the usual blockbuster). Phoenix’s career has gone through various stages, from the child actor phase to the ongoing more mature […]
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The 15 Smartest Movie Villains of All Time

Every great hero is defined by his nemesis. A true villain is not only characterized by his own evilness, but often he also has a direct link with the protagonist. In other cases, the villain is an independent force who goes his own way and simply finds the hero on his path. The genres with […]
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The 30 Best Uses of Close-Up In Cinema History

The close-up is one of the most known and recognizable techniques cinema has to offer. The name refers to every shot that focuses on a person or a object by framing it closer than it is usual. The subject of this list are the best close-ups of faces, which of all the possible uses of […]
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The 10 Best Movies Inspired by an Album

Music and cinema have always been tightly connected, even before films could be shot with sound and scored. The musical experience is often linked to a visual representation, for example through the annotations on a score like in Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony (“by the brook”, “thunder, storm”), or through a composition inspired by paintings like Mussorgsky’s […]
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The 20 Best Uses of Mirrors in Cinema History

The mirror stands as one of the great objects of cinema. It has been widely used, and has always fascinated directors in a particular way, as if its mere presence in a scene could create a unique visual moment, as well as adding psychological nuances to the film. Mirrors are reflections and duplications of reality, […]