People are strange. Since children we are taught that murder is wrong. But when done for the right cause it is justified. What is the capital punishment in its core? In its simplest form, capital punishment is defined as one person taking the life of another. So it is murder. Some filmmakers call it the […]
Author: Rigers Avdo
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The 20 Best Male Duos in Film

Removing ourselves a little from the usual cliché in Hollywood where the cast is a man and a woman and they fall in love and we all know the rest, this list is about male duos in movies. From best buddies to sworn enemies, male duos that made history with their amazing performances are hundreds, […]
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The 10 Most Overrated Movies of The Last 15 Years

People often get offended when you call their favorite movies “overrated” due to the huge misconception regarding the word. The word is unjustly associated with something being totally unworthy of praise while it totally is not the case. The term overrated simply means that something gets more praise than it deserves. It doesn’t negate the […]