The 15 Most Memorable Songs Used In Wes Anderson Movies


Wes Anderson is one of the most loved and appreciated film directors and screenwriters in movie history and has always enchanted the audience with memorable stories that speak to the heart, making the public really passionate about his creations. He never disappoints and always comes with something original and distinctive that truly changes the perceptions […]

15 Director’s Cuts of Famous Movies Way Better Than The Theatrical Versions


There are many reasons why movie directors may not have final cut over their own films. These days, there is so much money involved in making movies, studios are probably more involved than ever in making sure the final product of a film is parallel with the studio’s “vision”. Other reasons could include unknown audience […]

The 20 Greatest Female Movie Villains of All Time

Throughout cinema history, women have traditionally been seen as dismissive and obedient. They were the caretakers, mothers, and keepers of the household while the men were working for the day. Well, there is certainly nothing sweet and passive about these hardcore women. They come from different backgrounds and cultures likes as crime leaders and nurses, […]

7 Best Movie Villains With a Wicked Sense of Humor

movie villains with humor

Every once in a while, a cinematic villain so inhabits his misanthropic calling with such zest and enjoyment that one is left with no choice but to marvel at their audacity and forever be chained to repeating their memorable lines. Chief among these purveyors of anarchy and bloodshed is the villain who lives to shock and […]

10 Filmmaking Lessons You Can Learn from Antonioni’s Cinema

antonioni lessons

Not only in his time but in present day, Michelangelo Antonioni’s style of narration is considered unique and inimitable. There is something about his films that make all the different narrative spaces of his stories recognizable, regardless the language the characters are speaking or the landscapes they are roaming. Whoever the actor, whether it’s Jack […]