10 Films That Can Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Production Design

Production designers, or art directors, are responsible for the look of a film. They often have a simple question to answer; will the narrative’s setting work better by being created in a studio, or by being filmed out on location? It’s important to remember that everything that you see on screen in a film has […]

10 Reasons Why “True Detective” Is The Greatest Mini-Series Ever Aired

true detective

In recent years, television has slowly stretched its beautiful, large wings. It’s successfully been proving itself as the new medium for filmmakers to use as their easel. Its “seasons” of episodes generally give writers a more flexible time schedule for character development. A character can be developed over numerous episodes and audiences can see the […]

The 10 Greatest Movie Macguffins That Are NOT In A Hitchcock Film


A common complaint of movie critics and some viewers is that heroes and villains in film often lack in motivation. Villains often can get away with megalomania or some sort of disorder, but heroes usually don’t. This problem has plagued storytelling since the beginning, and it’s usually solved with the introduction of what we now […]

6 Reasons Why The Robocop Remake Doesn’t Suck

robocop 2014 review

RoboCop (1987) is a classic science fiction film, satirizing the consumerism and the sleazy corporate ethics of the Reagan-era. Wildly popular in its day, it spawned two sequels, a live-action television series, a mini-series, and several video games, comic books, cartoons and action figures. And countless rip-offs of which the most recent is Fox’s “Almost […]