10 Movie Villain Reveals That Totally Surprised Us

The foe, the adversary, the enemy – every film hero needs a film villain and every film protagonist needs a film antagonist. For many films, the antagonist is clear and defined from the start. For example, an audience introduced to a character called The Joker in a Batman film would immediately recognise who the villain […]

10 of The Most Intense Movie Performances of All Time

There are so many exciting and powerful performances in film that receive recurring praise and admiration. The roles that tend to stand out are the ones often described as “intense”; performances of great magnitude and strength. To understand what many mean when they talk about an intense performance, one only has to glance at Robert […]

10 Movie Shots So Incredible You Can’t Imagine How They Did It


Did you ever notice a particular moment in a film that stands out amongst the rest? Something that made you freeze for a second and maybe not even pay attention to the moments that followed afterwards? Maybe your jaw was dropped, or your brain was processing what had just happened. It’s time to celebrate moments […]