10 Movie Endings That Are Almost Impossible To Explain

These 10 ambiguous films are a great example of how to create a compelling and enthralling story without attaching to the conventional cinematic storytelling rules. The final uncertainty is crucial for the narrative and encourages the viewer to question the bizarre nature of the movie and to make sense of the events occurred (if there […]

The 30 Most Perfect Movie Shots of All Time

visually stunning sci-fi movies

Talking about “the best (individual) shots in film” is a difficult task, not only because there’s thousands of equally deserving entries, but because meaning in cinema is usually better conveyed through the succession of frames, shots, and sequences. Concepts like “affinity” and “contrast” play a crucial role in achieving meaningful and lasting images, and although […]

10 Times Authors Hated The Movie Versions Of Their Books

Adapting a book to the screen is always a tricky job. There can be great pieces of written prose that do not inspire interesting cinematic translations, purely because movies and books are very different mediums with very different tools at their disposal. Moreover, some screenwriters and moviemakers are not actually interested in adapting a work […]