Like music, cinema is an art form that takes place in time. Some of its main principles, according to Bordwell and Thomson, are repetition, variation, unity and development, concepts that remind us of musical composition. The difference is that instead of working these principles with only melodies and harmonies, cinema deals with characters. It is […]
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The 30 Tensest Movie Scenes of All Time
Tension or suspense is one of the greatest things about literature and film. It allows us to safely explore our innermost fears. We can experience these emotions and feel the tightening of our stomachs from the safety of a chair in the knowledge that it will end and we will be safe. During a film, […]
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10 Types of Movies Most Likely to Win Best Picture at The Oscars
Before we know it, the 2018 Oscars will be here. Many of the Best Picture nominees can be predicted if you are familiar enough with the annual formula. You see which films have done well in all sorts of other awards ceremonies. You take notice of which films have the current push (promotion and success […]
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The 15 Best End Credits Scenes of All Time
The ending credits are the most overlooked aspect of a movie. The vast majority of people leave during them, unless it’s a Marvel movie, in which case they are barely paying attention, anxiously waiting for the post-credits scene. Film critics always say it is important to stay during the credits, even if there’s no “reward” […]
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The 10 Most Moving Scenes in Movie History
When it comes to generating empathy, there are few art forms that can compare to the power of cinema. Cinema can use the power of other art forms such as theater, music and poetry to create moments that affect us as few things can. As Ingmar Bergman once said, “No art passes our conscience in […]
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The 10 Best Movie Props of All Time
The traditional definition of a theatrical prop is; any object that a character interacts with during the action of a scene. In film, props are that and yet so much more. A prop can be a small plot point, a central plot element, an offhand item or even a character in itself. Throughout film history, […]