Stephen King is one of the biggest storytellers in the world. His name has become synonymous with horror, even if a good swath of his output works outside of horror. He is one of the best writers to have ever lived, and is one that is very specifically American in his style. His work is […]
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7 Reasons Why “Black Swan” Is Darren Aronofsky’s Best Movie
“It’s beautiful, actually…” – Nina Darren Aronofsky was raised culturally Jewish and he is familiar with Jewish history and religion. He is an environmentalist and he studied social anthropology. He started his career with “Pi”, a film that is more of a study in madness than a work that contemplates scientific subjects, although it deals […]
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10 Great Oscar Nominations No One Talks About
For most film audiences around the globe, the Oscars have been a reliable standard of cinematic quality and analyzing the winners and nominees from the past few ceremonies, it is evident they will remain that way for a long time to come. The prestige and the inherent glamour of the Oscars, heightened by the parties […]
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8 Reasons Why “Boogie Nights” is a Modern Masterpiece
This year on October 10, “Boogie Nights” will be celebrating its 20th anniversary. Released in 1997, the film signaled the arrival of a major talent and future legend. Paul Thomas Anderson had made one film prior, the criminally unseen and underrated “Sydney/Hard Eight” but with “Boogie Nights” film society had no choice but to take […]
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5 Reasons Why “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” is a Horror Masterpiece
Over the summer we lost a legend in the world of horror cinema when film director Tobe Hooper passed away at the age of 74. The response on Twitter coming from Hollywood all echo a similar theme; from John Carpenter, Eli Roth, James Wan and Stephen King, everyone praised the director as a kindhearted individual […]
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7 Reasons Why “Synecdoche, New York” is an Underrated Masterpiece
I’ve always considered weird the fact that a lot of people talk about cinema as if it was an entity separated from reality, operating on its own set of rules, foreign to everything else. A good character must have this or that trait, audiences want action above all else, an efficient script needs to have […]