“Naturalness is the greatest requisite of comedy. It must be real and true to life. I believe in realism absolutely. Real things appeal to the people far quicker than the grotesque. My comedy is actual life, with the slightest twist or exaggeration, you might say, to bring out what it might be under certain circumstances.” […]
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7 Well Written Movie Scenes That Don’t Use Any Dialogue
Dialogue should do at least one of two things, advance plot and establish characters. A screenwriter uses more than conversations between characters to do that. Dialogue gets more recognition than any other element of a script because it is the writing that translates to the screen, but a script is more than the characters’ words. […]
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The 20 Best Movie Gunfights of All Time
The great Jean-Luc Godard once said, “All you need to make a movie is a girl and a gun”. While the French auteur is known for many achievements in cinema, action films is probably not at the top of the list. However, Godard’s quote has become quite synonymous with cinema as it perfectly illustrates how […]
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6 Reasons Why “Logan” Is the Most Heartbreaking Superhero Movie Ever Made
“Therefore, in this pain lies a spark of hope. I trust you will see it and nurture it” – Thomas Moore on the experience of heartbreak Extreme Spoiler Alert! As one might guess from the title of this list, it will examine in detail a variety of heartbreaking things that transpire during Logan’s 141 minutes. […]
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The 15 Most Surprising Movie Deaths of All Time
Film viewers have become so accustomed to a specific formula within film structure that it takes a lot to surprise them – especially with a death scene and especially within a specific genre – that most of us can count the beats from a mile away. For example, in a war movie, if some B-character […]
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5 Reasons Why “The Searchers” is the Best American Western Movie of All Time
Since Edwin S. Porter’s The Great Train Robbery released in 1903, western films became a popular genre among audiences and an important studio product until a ‘recent’ decline – which started somewhere around the late 1970s – leading the genre from a wider screen presence to an art house confinement. When referring to western films, […]