The 30 Best Lines from Best Picture Winners

Best Movie Sequels

“Great movie quotes become part of our cultural vocabulary. When you consider that any phrase from American film is eligible, you realize this is our most subjective topic to date. We expect nothing less than a war of words as we reignite interest in classic American movies.” – Jean Picker Firstenberg (President Emerita, American Film […]

10 Weird Movie Genres You Might Not Have Heard Of


The human brain seeks patterns. While we praise creativity and inspired art, a new work is rarely an entirely novel invention. Painters study the work of other painters; the patterns of nature inspire architects and writers reimagine old stories they heard from their parents as kids. Creative work is based on repetition and variation; while […]

15 Camera Shots Every Movie Fan Should Know

An essential part of making a movie memorable is striking the viewer with unusual camera shots and movements. When the first movies were made moving the camera or placing it in a peculiar way weren’t contemplated as options, but directors soon started to experiment with movement and other techniques; as the cameras became easier to […]

10 Famous Twist Endings That Were Actually Not That Great

best original screenplay

It’s a wonderful sensation to be surprised at the movies. When everything comes together in a film, and the screenplay is written well, and viewers are left scratching their heads, saying “I did not see that coming!” It’s the “twist ending,” the GOTCHA that rarely happens to today’s movie-goers. Granted, it’s not an easy job […]