When a billion-dollar blockbuster franchise is ten movies in (and counting), having some ups and downs is pretty much unavoidable. And movies set within J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth are no exception: First there were a number of divisive but oddly fascinating animated adaptations in the late-’70s and early ’80s. Then came Peter Jackson’s Lord of the […]
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10 Thriller Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

“The thriller is the most popular literary genre of the 20th century.” — Ken Follett From its inception with The Great Train Robbery (1903), to the ‘40s noirs, to the present slew of titles, what is clear is the thriller genre possess never-ending popularity. While some genres seem to ebb and flow, one can be […]
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The 10 Most Perfect Movies of All Time

The problem with film critics constantly pushing towards canonization is that, regardless of which criteria one ends up using, any definitive list that tries to consolidate the “Greatest Movies of All Time’ represents only the tip of the iceberg in more than a century’s worth of deserving titles. So we’ll be the first to admit […]
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10 Western Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

Movies pass on from the modern zeitgeist from time to time, particularly when the audience they were made for has largely left us. Even entire genres can begin to feel played out. In no case is this truer than with classic westerns. Filmmakers should be sure of themselves before striking out into territory so well […]
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The 10 Most Original Movies of All Time

As of early December 2024, with only a few weeks left in the calendar, every single one of the ten highest-grossing movie releases of the year are sequels based on a pre-existing intellectual property — a historic first in cinema history. There’s no denying it, original ideas feel in alarmingly short supply in today’s cinematic […]
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10 Great Thriller Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

The world and history of film is vast. So many genres, films upon films created into each category, and now we have streaming services to add the multitude of choices available to us. It’s impossible to watch every film ever made, however acclaimed or lowkey it may be. But the emergence and dominance of streaming […]