The world and history of film is vast. So many genres, films upon films created into each category, and now we have streaming services to add the multitude of choices available to us. It’s impossible to watch every film ever made, however acclaimed or lowkey it may be. But the emergence and dominance of streaming […]
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The 10 Most Rewatchable Comedy Movies of All Time

From Golden Age screwball romcoms and globe-trotting Hong Kong martial arts extravaganzas to horror-tinged 2000s zombie spoofs, today we have stockpiled the most unabashedly fun and endlessly rewatchable titles the comedy genre has had to offer over the decades. Though by no means an exhaustive list, there should be something for everyone in our rundown […]
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The 10 Most Complex Movies of All Time

These days, discussions around complex movies always tend to circle back to the same-old puzzle-box mysteries — films with labyrinthine plotting, intricate rules, or shocking twists that will catch even the most eagle-eyed of viewers off-guard. And honestly, there’s nothing wrong with a solid brainteaser that demands your undivided attention and calls for a second […]
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The 10 Most Rewatchable Thriller Movies of All Time

Thriller movies come in all shapes and forms. And though it sometimes can be hard to pin down what exactly falls under its vast umbrella, the genre’s universal appeal is pretty straightforward: In their platonic form, these films scratch a particular itch and satisfy our collective urge for suspense in a way that honestly few […]
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10 Great 1980s Sci-fi Film Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

“I’ll be back!”, “Phone home,” “Like tears in rain…” All these lines or speeches are still popular today as ever. The 1980s were such a great decade for the genre. The technological advancement was helping the films look better and go to areas they haven’t before but it was also one of the main subjects […]
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The 10 Coolest Movies of All Time

Cool movies come in many forms. There’s the sort of adrenaline-pumping badass moment that leaves you breathless and hollering at the screen. Think, for instance, of Arnold Schwarzenegger soaring through the air on his 780-pound Harley Davidson Fatboy in “Terminator 2”, Keanu Reeves dodging bullets and unleashing a barrage of gunfire in slow-mo in “The […]