Who says the westerns are dead now? They’re still alive. Of course, now we don’t get them all the time as we used to get back in time but they continue to evolve, and every year we get good amount of entertaining or thoughtful westerns. 2010s was a good enough decade for the genre with […]
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The 10 Most Beautiful Movies of All Time

Good-looking movies are a dime a dozen. And combing through likely titles for this list, one quickly realizes there are far too many eye-popping gems in cinema history to name, which renders the task of narrowing down the 10 most visually sublime movies of all time awfully subjective and arbitrary. It also explains some glaring […]
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10 Great 1980s Thriller Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

The 1980s was the age of the blockbuster, a time when stories and backdrops were getting bigger and more lavish by each passing year. The Indiana Jones and Star Wars franchises led the decade when it came to box office receipts, while sequels and prequels also guaranteed big bucks. In the eyes of both the […]
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The 10 Most Rewatchable Sci-Fi Films of All Time

Great sci-fi movies satisfy a unique craving in all of us that no other genre can. To qualify for this list, however, it’s not sufficient to be a universally acclaimed or highly influential genre touchstone that’s held up remarkably well today. Screw that. Today, we’re counting down a number of compulsively rewatchable sci-fi movies that […]
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10 Great Western Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen

The western has been a quintessentially American film genre since the silent era, however, its dimensions considerably expanded during the sound era, from John Ford’s Stagecoach (1939), My Darling Clementine (1946), The Searchers (1956), and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) to Fred Zinnemann’s High Noon (1952) and George Stevens’ Shane (1953). One of […]
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The 10 Most Philosophical Movies of All Time

Cinema has always asked profound and timeless questions: What is it to be human? Are we alone in the cosmos? What is the meaning of life? It’s hard to pin down what makes a movie inherently philosophical, it’s not based on set criteria and they come in all shapes and forms — from bleak post-apocalyptic […]