Since the earliest days of cinema the science fiction genre has flourished, capturing the imagination while commanding impressive box office receipts along the way. But not all great populist SF has been widely seen, become a large scale franchise, or been a big event film with A-list stars. Some get released and missed in the […]
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The 10 Best Melancholic Movies of All Time
Melancholy is a strange thing. In the medieval times, it was treated as a dangerous disease, but with time we have learned to accept the moments of gloominess with open eyes. Blending in is still very difficult for the rare eccentric odd bunches who don’t want to mix in the ever-nagging societal conventions. Melancholy as […]
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10 Directors Who Hated Their Own Movies
It is heartbreaking to know of an artist who despises their own creation. The filmmaking journey is an extensive one where the filmmaker carries the idea of their creation like an embryo in the mother’s womb. So then, why would that person hate their own finished product other than with a fatal consequence of some […]
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The 10 Best Foreign Language Films of 2019 (So Far)
We are entering the final half of 2019. Most of the major international film festivals, such as the Cannes Film Festival, Berlin, Sundance, among many others, have already passed, and by now the public and critics have already taken note of the most important films that can be considered the great films of the year […]
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10 Great Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen
With horror being maybe the single broadest genre for film, it can be a challenge to try to keep up with it. With so many different sub genres, directors and classics to see, films can easily slide under the radar for one reason for another. Hopefully, this list can serve as a reminder of some […]
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10 Great Movies To Watch When You Need Inspiration
While there are many films which are made just for entertainment reasons, it is nice when you can get something more from a film than a few thrills and laughs. Movies have the power to change people’s minds, to make them work harder for their dreams, to give them hope, to broaden their horizons and […]