As film fans, we seem to pay so much attention to our favourite directors, or waves, that sometimes it’s difficult to really find the time to explore something that we aren’t sure if we’ll like – it just makes much more sense to spend your time on something you are certain you’ll enjoy. So, with […]
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The 10 Most Entertaining Movies of The 21st Century
With the changing habits of modern humans, plenty of shallow films that seem to need stupidity and exaggeration are getting more common day by day. Even though sometimes it feels like this kind of garbage is more easy to consume, there are still bright directors who make delightful movies that are powered by wit, and […]
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10 Movies That Aren’t As Pretentious As You Think
The definition of pretentious is attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or talent than is actually possessed. In the world of film many directors and films are given this label when audiences feel the material is heavy handed, or in most cases when a director overindulges in their certain style or motifs. These so […]
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10 Documentary Masterpieces You’ve Probably Never Seen
In any genre, there are bound to be brilliant films that we simply miss, not out of any kind of ignorance but just because we accidentally skim over films sometimes. Documentaries seem to suffer from this even more, being the most undervalued of all genres, with many only seeing the most popular and acclaimed of […]
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8 Famous Movies Banned Overseas For Ridiculous Reasons
There’s no official or objective criteria for what is or isn’t obscene. Even still, it’s understandable (though not commendable) when films get banned for promoting extremism, offending sexual sensibilities or being extremely violent. Yet, because offense is in the eye of the beholder, every blue moon a film gets banned for reasons that are ironic, […]
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The 10 Best Movies About Sexual Awakening
We desire, we fall in love. We are haunted by curves and scents. Since when do all these inexplicable processes begin to evolve in one’s body and soul? Even before we receive our mother’s milk for the first time, sexuality is already rooted somewhere in the tender soil of subconscious. A shapeless shadow of sexual […]