Hollywood is predominately about heroes. As a result their stories can be often very predictable. No matter what happens during the story, one can almost be assured that our central hero will be victorious by the end. It reflects our desire for popular culture to be more optimistic and positive than real life, which can […]
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10 Famous Movies Audiences Got Right But Critics Got Wrong
Critics are a strange beast in the cinematic world. They are usually respected, but also bring with them a sense of negativity. In other words, we feel in awe of their role of “opinion deciders” but also dislike the fact that they are given the power of swaying our opinions. This process is mostly unconscious: […]
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10 Great Movies To Watch When You Need a Good Laugh
Most film fans would probably be lying if they said that from time to time that didn’t just want to sit back and enjoy something more relaxed and silly than most films they’d usually watch, and there is nothing better for a relaxed watch than a light comedy. If you watch the right one at […]
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10 Great Sci-Fi Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen
Since the early days of cinema both horror and science fiction films have flourished, capturing the imagination and commanding impressive box office receipts along the way. But not all great populist SF horror have been widely seen, large scale franchises, or big event films with A-list stars. Great sci-fi horror is often found in small […]
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10 Great Movies To Watch If You Like Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan has established himself as one of the most consistent film directors of his generation, building the bridge between art and commerce in a time when these two seem to drift away from each other. Whether his cerebral films that often play with time are always up your alley, there’s no denying that he’s […]
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10 Great Sci-fi Movie Classics You’ve Probably Never Seen
Science fiction can be entertaining or philosophical, lighthearted or political, dark or ethereal. Sometimes it can be all these things combined together. It can be used in pure genre movies or exploited as a medium for arthouse installations. When we think about sci-fi, “Metropolis” (1927), “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968), “Solaris” (1972) and “Blade Runner” […]