The name Tolstoy means many things to many people. Novelist, Aristocrat, Revolutionary, Heretic, and Saint are all titles given to the author of War and Peace – often considered the greatest novel of all time. And it seems only fitting that someone capable of creating so many timeless fictional characters should have lived a richly […]
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10 Great Cult Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen
The horror genre is perhaps the most diverse and widely varied in all of film and the one with the richest history. From the genre’s early stages with German Expressionism to the suspense of Hitchcock to the slasher and possession craze of the 80s. Over the last few years, the genre has been experiencing a […]
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10 Movies That Changed How Stories Are Told In Cinema
Narratives have existed since prehistory. At the Caves of Chauvet in France, the Neanderthals tried to tell their daily adventures through iconographic reports in the form of drawings. With the advent of writing, the narratives became increasingly complex. Then, the troubadours and novels of cavalry appeared in the Middle Ages. Later, more fictional narratives gained […]
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The 20 Most Beautiful Movie Scenes of The 21st Century
In this age of technical advancement we’re able to produce what can easily go down in time as the most visually incredible scenes in film history. The spectrum of feelings and emotions continue to grow as we as humans continue to live and find new aspects we’ve never known before. It’s a hard task to […]
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The 10 Best Movies of Early 2019
New year, new movies. This year has started similarly to all the recent previous ones: the first award-winning films of the previous year keep expanding in theaters, and the studios start to drop the films that they either think are gonna bomb (“Serenity”) or just don’t find a right time to release it. Then VOD […]