In a storied cinematic career spanning 56 years, Gamera the Giant Turtle has served as the testudial Guardian of the Universe and a Friend of All Children. He’s fought beasts like Barugon, Zigra, Gyaos, Guiron and saved the world from annihilation several times over. He also, unfortunately, endures a somewhat niche place in the popular […]
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The 10 Most Bizarre David Cronenberg Movies
David Cronenberg has made some truly strange movies over the years. One can just look at a plot synopsis and marvel at how remarkably insane some of the plot points and characters are. But even that fails to give a sense of how weird Cronenberg can get. Yes, some of the stories are weird by […]
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10 Great Western Movies Favored By Clint Eastwood
Sweeping open vistas, badass duels, hectic train heists and no shortage of sweaty close-ups. Beyond basic thrills, people tune in to westerns to revisit an era of freedom where lives had price tags and stoic cowboys were the living embodiment of Hollywood’s hypermasculinity, the ultimate self-made men. Violent yet chivalrous, these fearless lone wolfs sat […]
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10 Great 2000s Sci-fi Films You’ve Probably Never Seen
Did you ever wonder why that, every time you want to see a sci-fi movie, you always go back to the usual ones? Maybe because you think that the golden age of the sci-fi genre is past and gone. Maybe because you dont want to look interminably for new undiscovered pictures. We got you, son. […]
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10 Great Thriller Movies Favored By Denis Villeneuve
Thrillers make us sweat, bite our nails, lose our sleep and skip a heartbeat… and yet audiences have been drawn to them ever since they exist. So what is it about the thriller genre in particular that makes us desperately crave them? They come in different shapes and forms, but one thing is for certain, […]
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10 Great Psychological Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen
Horror is often about creating discomfort, but psychological horror goes for psychological fears more. We get to the inside of these morally ambiguous people’s minds. Those films try to explore darker parts of our minds that sometimes we repress or just don’t want to admit. No wonder it’s the favorite horror subgenre of so many […]